Winter Skincare Wonderland: Tips, Tricks, and Product Recommendations

As the seasons change, so should our skincare routine. Winter brings drier air and harsher weather conditions that can wreak havoc on our skin. But fear not, we have some SSB savvy tips and tricks to help maintain that glowing, healthy skin even through the chilliest months.

Last season, we upgraded our skincare routine for fall: we added hydrating products like Hyaluronic Acid, incorporated creamier, nourishing cleansers, learned the art of gentle exfoliation, introduced humidifiers to our rooms, and brought heavier moisturizers into our daily routines.

So, what's next for winter? Stay the course and add a little flair with these winterizing tips and tricks:

Fortify Your Moisturizers: As temperatures drop, even the best moisturizer can start to waiver. So, what do we do when nothing seems to work? Add a few drops of our favorite facial oils to your moisturizer or double moisturize. Our top pick is SSB's Botanical Oil, which provides deep hydration to combat winter dryness.

Opt for Hydrating SPFs: Lira's Hydrating SPF is a soothing balm for your skin. It's packed with essential daily moisturizers for normal to dry skin types, hydrates with an array of nourishing botanicals, and protects your skin with powerful antioxidants.

Add Weekly Hydrating Treatments: Incorporate hydrating and soothing masks into your routine. Our favorites are BIO Hydrating Mineral Masque and PRO Brightening Masque. These ultra-hydrating masks nourish your skin back to health with advanced mineral technology, Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and green tea.

Pamper Your Lips: Don't forget about your lips. They can become particularly dry and chapped in winter. Try a nourishing lip balm like SSB's Lip Service for soft, smooth lips.

Nurturing your skin through winter is not as daunting as it seems. With these tips and products by your side, you're ready to face the cold head-on. Embrace the season with confidence and let your skin glow!

Explore More With Our SSB Winter Skincare Routine

Don't stop at just reading about these amazing skincare tips. Dive deeper into the world of winter skincare by checking out our detailed blog: SSB Winter Skincare Routine Guide - Now With a Weekly Treatment Routine! It's packed with more information, product recommendations, and a step-by-step guide to help you maintain your skin's health and glow this winter.

Connect With Your Skincare Coach

Still have questions about your skincare? No problem! We're here to help. Whether you need professional advice before making a purchase, or if you're interested in a virtual consultation, we've got you covered. Meet Rachel, our resident skin whisperer. Schedule a virtual consultation with Rachel here. It's easier than trying to pronounce 'Hyaluronic Acid', and soon enough, you'll have all your skincare questions answered.

Book Your Studio Treatment Today

Studio Treatments are a MUST! Nothing beats a professional facial when it comes to deep hydration and rejuvenation of your skin. To experience the magic of our professional facials, schedule an appointment today. Let us pamper your skin and prepare it for the winter season. Trust us, your skin will thank you!

Remember, everyone's skin is unique, so always test products first or consult with your esthetician before making changes to your skincare routine.